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Mouse Fetuin-A/AHSG ELISA Kit

时间:2016-10-28 08:10:28来源:本站 作者:admin 点击:338次

Mouse Fetuin A, also known as alpha 2-Heremans-Schmid glycoprotein, is encoded by the AHSG gene. It has been also called "countertrypsin" because of its ability to inhibit trypsin. It is a major plasma protein and a member of the cystatin superfamily of protease inhibitors. It is expressed by hepatocytes, the principal cell source, and by monocyte/macrophages. The major form of plasma Fetuin A corresponds to two disulfide bond-linked chains derived from the single chain. Fetuin-A has a number of functions. It is a negative acute-phase protein with normal circulating levels in adults (300-600 μg/mL), which fall significantly (30-50%) during injury and infection. It enhances entry of cationic inhibitors into macrophages. It inhibits both insulin receptor autophosphorylation and undesirable calcification.
